If you cat is receiving a balanced diet with all their nutrient requirements the use of supplements is usually not necessary. However, cats need a certain amount of each specific nutrient to be healthy and this is particularly true of vitamins and minerals.
A cat with arthritis is a very common condition. As they get older the cartilage between their joints, which cushions their joints when they are running and jumping, deteriorates and results in inflammation, stiffness and pain. You will notice that they have difficulty and a reluctance to get up and down either on furniture or stairs and their joints may be stiff, swollen and sore, which makes moving around very uncomfortable. It can affect any joint in the body, however, it is most commonly found in the legs and spine. It is more commonly found in older cats but younger cats can develop arthritis if they have an injury. Although there is no cure for arthritis, there are plenty of steps you can take to help your feline friend feel more comfortable.
There are many joint supplements of varying quality on the market and they should not be seen as a replacement for medications but rather to work alongside medication and remember not all supplements will work for all cats.
Joint supplements which have Omega 3, Glucosamine, Green Lipped Mussel, Chondroitin and many others can be used at the same time as other medicines to try and help slow down the progression of arthritis
When looking for a joint aid for cats make sure you read and understand what the ingredients are and what benefits they bring. Joint supplements for cat arthritis are formulated to support your cat’s joint tissue and mobility and can come in variety of forms such as tablets, chewable or powder supplements and it depends on your cat's preference as to which you should choose. If your cat is a fussy eater but gobbles down their wet food, powder might be best, however if they are used to taking treats and aren't too finicky then a chew might be an option.
Natural arthritis supplements for cats do work and they can help cats in all life stages but work best when started early. It is important to know and understand the ingredients used in the product when researching a cat supplement. You want to make sure all the ingredients are healthy and have nothing that could harm them. If you are looking for joint support to help with your cat’s arthritis you should make sure you pick something with Glucosamine and Chondroitin. Pay attention to the labels as some have misleading and false information regarding the ingredients. When in doubt always consult with your veterinarian and have them read the label with you.
GudFur has one joint relief for cats and that is our hip and joint supplement. If your cat needs joint support our specially formulated hip and joint supplement will help to promote mobility, help repair joint damage and soothe joint stresses, ensuring that your cat remains active whatever its age.