Yes, it is true; dogs do get seasonal allergies, just like their owners, and they usually manifest as itchy skin causing excessive scratching or they try to bite off the area that is itchy.
Here are some common signs you can use to identify a seasonal allergy in your dog.
- Itchy skin resulting in scratching and biting their coat or skin
- Red and inflamed skin
- Red and swollen eyes
- Runny nose with fits of sneezing
- Excessive loss of hair
- Compulsive paw licking
- Recurrent ear infections or red, waxy ears
If you notice that your dog is scratching, chewing or licking more than normal it is worth arranging a visit to a vet before this leads to anything more painful which might require treatment.
Seasonal allergies are brought on by environmental irritants present during specific times of the year, such as fresh grasses, pollen and dust in the drier seasons. As the seasons change your dog may also come into contact with fleas, dust mites and ticks. Your dog may be sensitive to any of the above and any reaction they may have can be diagnosed with a blood or skin test. Skin testing is considered the more accurate approach in diagnosing if your dog has an allergy and measures your dog’s reaction to different allergens to determine exactly those to which they are allergic. Your dog’s life can become miserable without proper treatment and care for these allergies and could lead to additional problems. Continual scratching or shaking of the ears could lead to an ear hematoma (when a blood vessel ruptures causing the ear to swell and is sometimes called cauliflower ear). If this does occur you must take your dog to a vet for treatment.
If you are fortunate to be able to use a dog dermatologist, they might prescribe an allergy serum which can be a good option for dogs with moderate to severe allergies. If your dog has a mild allergy, it may be able to be treated with an antihistamine. You should always check with your vet before treating your pets with any medications to ensure they are safe to use in pets.
Certain dog foods are specially formulated to help manage your dog's skin allergies. The best part is that they are easy to administer but make sure to talk to your veterinarian regarding the nutritional options for your dog.
While seasonal allergies will have an impact on your dog's well-being, with proper treatment it can be managed. Not every approach will be right for every dog but with a little trial and error you can figure out how to keep seasonal allergies at bay.
If you know someone whose dog has seasonal allergies or you suspect that your dog has seasonal allergies please comment below or share this blog with your friend. We would love to hear your stories and what you did to overcome and support your dog which in turn will help other pet owners who read this blog.
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