How to

GudFur Blog How to make your own dog treats

How to make your own dog treats

There are many benefits to making your own dog treats.  Most importantly, you are in control of exactly what goes into the treat and can feel confident that there are...

How to make your own dog treats

There are many benefits to making your own dog treats.  Most importantly, you are in control of exactly what goes into the treat and can feel confident that there are...

GudFur Blog How to get pet urine smell out of a carpet

How to get pet urine smell out of a carpet

Pet urine can emit a strong and unpleasant odour that can linger in the carpet. Removing the urine smell helps to improve the overall indoor air quality and creates a...

How to get pet urine smell out of a carpet

Pet urine can emit a strong and unpleasant odour that can linger in the carpet. Removing the urine smell helps to improve the overall indoor air quality and creates a...

GudFur Blog What to consider before getting a dog

What to consider before getting a dog

One of life’s greatest joys is having a dog as part of the family but before making the decision to get a dog there are a number of considerations to...

What to consider before getting a dog

One of life’s greatest joys is having a dog as part of the family but before making the decision to get a dog there are a number of considerations to...

GudFur Blog How to introduce a new dog to your home

How to introduce a new dog to your home

Introducing a new dog to your home can be an exciting but nerve-wracking experience for both you and your current furry family member. Here are some tips to make the...

How to introduce a new dog to your home

Introducing a new dog to your home can be an exciting but nerve-wracking experience for both you and your current furry family member. Here are some tips to make the...

GudFur Blog How to successfully introduce a new cat to your existing cat(s) or other pets in your home

How to successfully introduce a new cat to your...

Bringing a new cat into a home can be stressful especially if there are already pets in your home and in order for the cat to feel comfortable you should...

How to successfully introduce a new cat to your...

Bringing a new cat into a home can be stressful especially if there are already pets in your home and in order for the cat to feel comfortable you should...

GudFur Blog How to train basic obedience to your dog

How to train basic obedience to your dog

Training your dog in basic obedience is an important part of their overall health and happiness. Teaching them the basics gives them the freedom to run off lead, meet new...

How to train basic obedience to your dog

Training your dog in basic obedience is an important part of their overall health and happiness. Teaching them the basics gives them the freedom to run off lead, meet new...