What do supplements really do - well they work to restore a glossy coat, soothe itchy spots and reduce excess moulting. They are able to deliver this because they are packed with nourishing Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids plus added Vitamins.
The coat or fur of your cat is almost entirely composed of protein. If a cat’s diet doesn’t contain enough quality protein their hair may fall out or become dry and brittle. Their skin, on the other hand, is composed of flat cells tightly packed together and without proper nutrients the cell membranes can weaken which allows water to escape and bacteria and viruses to enter more easily.
Most off-the-shelf cat food products contain vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and proper nutrition. In order to ensure that the cat's dietary requirements are met it is often necessary to administer certain supplements containing essential fatty acids and minerals.
Here are tips when choosing a cat coat supplement:
- If you believe that you cat may have underlying skin conditions that require treatment, discuss options with your vet.
- The age and diet of your cat needs to be considered before incorporating additional supplements to the diet.
- Read the labels and identify the ingredients that are present in the supplement.
- Regardless of the brand available, pet owners should look for supplements that contain the highest quality ingredients. Supplements rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are highly recommended, as they maintain proper joint function and promote healthy vision
- Avoid using supplements labelled for use in dogs as they may contain higher amounts of minerals that aren't safe for use in felines.
- Before using any supplements speak to your vet if your cat is currently taking prescription drugs.
- Older pets may also benefit if they are administered glucosamine supplements along with skin and coat supplements.
Our cats are very good at taking care of themselves in many ways, however, they may still need our help to stay healthy. Before changing your cat’s diet or giving it supplements always talk to your vet first. Dry skin and a dull coat can be a sign of allergies, parasites or infection. But it could also be something more serious, such as kidney, liver, adrenal, or thyroid problems. If you have a story you would like to share about your cat’s coat problems, we would love to hear from you in the comments below.