Why do cats and dogs

GudFur Blog Why do dogs pant?

Why do dogs pant?

Dogs pant, especially when they are hot, excited, or energetic. Panting is normal behaviour as they are unable to sweat like we do to control their body temperature. They do...

Why do dogs pant?

Dogs pant, especially when they are hot, excited, or energetic. Panting is normal behaviour as they are unable to sweat like we do to control their body temperature. They do...

Why do dogs roll around in fox poo?

Why do dogs roll around in fox poo?

Does your dog seem to constantly be coming back from walks smothered in fox poo? You are not alone. Some of you reading this might be wondering what fox poo...

Why do dogs roll around in fox poo?

Does your dog seem to constantly be coming back from walks smothered in fox poo? You are not alone. Some of you reading this might be wondering what fox poo...

GudFur Blog Why do dogs moult and when do they moult?

Why do dogs moult and when do they moult?

Dogs moult because it is a natural process that allows them to get rid of old or damaged hair and replace it with new hair. Moulting is a normal part...

Why do dogs moult and when do they moult?

Dogs moult because it is a natural process that allows them to get rid of old or damaged hair and replace it with new hair. Moulting is a normal part...

GudFur Blog Probiotics for Dogs

Probiotics for Dogs: Why do dogs need them?

The science behind probiotics for dogs is still evolving, but there is evidence to suggest that probiotics can have a positive impact on a dog's health. Here are some of...

Probiotics for Dogs: Why do dogs need them?

The science behind probiotics for dogs is still evolving, but there is evidence to suggest that probiotics can have a positive impact on a dog's health. Here are some of...

GudFur Blog Why do dogs show aggression to other dogs

Why do dogs show aggression to other dogs?

There are a number of reasons why a dog will show aggression to another dog.  Some of the most common causes are fear or a desire to protect their owner. ...

Why do dogs show aggression to other dogs?

There are a number of reasons why a dog will show aggression to another dog.  Some of the most common causes are fear or a desire to protect their owner. ...

GudFur Blog Why do dogs chase their tails

Why do dogs chase their tails?

As a dog lover and owner you have probably witnessed your pooch chasing its tail. Sometimes it may be just the occasional chase and other times your dog may resemble...

Why do dogs chase their tails?

As a dog lover and owner you have probably witnessed your pooch chasing its tail. Sometimes it may be just the occasional chase and other times your dog may resemble...